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The Song of Solomon is a book in the Bible that is often neglected and misunderstood. Although it is meant to be understood as an allegory depicting the relationship that Christ has with His church, many limit it to ordinary marriage.
Nevertheless, even those who hold that view must admit that in the Bible marriage is a picture of Christ and His church which is called His bride. Therefore, even if you believe the Song of Solomon is not an allegory, you should still be able to accept these sermons that use this Song to speak of our relationship with Christ. The Apostle Paul goes so far as to say that even the one flesh aspect of marriage (the sexual aspect) illustrates our relationship with Christ as His church (Eph 5:30-32). He is not saying we have a physical sexual relationship with Jesus, but a spiritual relationship that illustrates and is illustrated by the physical sexual aspect of marriage.
Today we are going to look at her answer which is given in 5:10-16.